Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sweet Lies: How the Food Industry is Brainwashing the Public

False and misleading nutrition information is being sold to the unsuspecting public through convincing TV, radio, magazine and newspaper ads and brilliantly designed marketing campaigns.

Chemical concoctions are being advertised as the latest and greatest new "healthy" foods. Synthetic food additives are being promoted as safe and "made from food." Because consumers are becoming more conscious of healthier choices, manufacturers are telling you that these fake foods with their artificial ingredients are good for you.

Stop and think. Don't be fooled. Consider where your health and nutrition information is coming from. When you get your nutrition information from the media, you're getting it from the food industry and companies that stand to benefit from you purchasing their products.

If you believe what you read from food industry ads, especially for processed foods, and from organizations that receive money from the food industry, you may be on your way to cancer, heart disease, diabetes or obesity ... if you're not already there.

Take for instance, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)...

Read more.

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