Thursday, May 13, 2010

MSG Kills Your Brain Cells

MSG is an excitotoxin. It excites your brain cells to death.

If you react to MSG and know it's an MSG reaction, you already know to be on the lookout for it in the foods you eat. But what you may not know that is there are more than a dozen different names of ingredients that are hiding places for MSG. Many of these ingredients sound perfectly natural and harmless, like broth and natural flavors.

In addition, packages may be labeled No MSG or No MSG Added and still contain MSG because of the different names for MSG. Manufacturers do this on purpose because it makes their empty calorie, nutrient deficient, chemicalized fake foods taste good.

Here are some additional common names that are hiding places for MSG:

* autolyzed yeast
* yeast extract
* calcium caseinate
* gelatin
* glutamic acid
* anything with "hydrolyzed" in its name
* protein extract

There are even more.

MSG is addictive and it makes you want to keep eating. It is a common cause of overeating and obesity. It may also cause headaches, slurred speech, itchiness, nausea, diabetes, and a whole host of other symptoms.

MSG is only one of the many dangerous food additives in the processed foods on the market today. Find out how you can protect yourself from food additive harm, and get free food additive tips too.

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