Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Canola Oil

The industry would like you to think that canola oil is heart healthy and a good oil to use for cooking, baking and salads.

However, canola oil becomes rancid easily. Baked goods made with canola oil become moldy quickly.

Originally canola oil was hybridized rapeseed oil. Now most is genetically engineered (GE). You can't even say that organic canola oil is not GE because of all the cross contamination that occurs with GE crops growing near non-GE crops.

Canola oil is processed at extremely high temperatures - refined, bleached, degummed and deodorized. It may be contaminated with solvents used for extraction.

Much of the canola oil used in processed foods is partially hydrogenated. So it will contain trans fats.

Canola oil has been shown to
  • deplete the body's stores of vitamin E
  • cause heart problems
  • cause abnormal changes in blood platelets
  • retard growth
  • shorten the life span of lab animals.

In addition, no long term studies have been done on humans to determine its safety.

Learn more about food additives and how they affect your health.

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