Monday, November 15, 2010

Senomyx Flavors In Your Food

Senomyx is a company that's been around for a few years. It makes genetically engineered flavors for your food. Their ingredients will never be listed on the label because they are used in such small amounts that the FDA allows them to lump them into the categories of artificial or natural flavors.

Even though you may never have heard of them, they sell their flavors to most of the major processed food producers and are making profits in the billions of dollars.

So, if they're used in such small amounts, why should you even be concerned?

Because they are genetically engineered and when you eat GE food, you are a part of a huge experiment that no one know the outcome to. There is enough evidence that eating GE and GMO food is damaging to your health. But the big issue here is that you will never know when you are eating foods with these GE ingredients or any other of the many GE ingredients already in processed food. You are a human guinea pig!

Read more about Senomyx. This article was well researched and written.

Now read about how you can avoid GE foods.

Get a FREE Healthy Eating e-class here.

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