Wednesday, September 17, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup Propaganda

Have you seen the industry ads about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) being just like sugar and fine when used in moderation?

Take a look:

Ad for HFCS

Another ad for HFCS

Don't be fooled. They're probably seeing a drop in sales for some or many of their products that contain HFCS because people are becoming more aware that it's not a healthy ingredient.

The truth is HFCS is a synthetic chemical made through a complex chemical process, derived from corn starch using genetically engineered enzymes and most likely genetically engineered corn.

Studies show that HFCS is related to numerous diseases. Obesity is at an all time high since it's introduction. Children are now being diagnosed with type II diabetes, previously called "adult onset diabetes."

Forget the ads you see on TV, hear on the radio or read in newspapers and magazines. They're all paid for by the food industry because they want you to buy their products. Get your nutrition information from a reliable unbiased source that does NOT receive any money from the food or drug industries.

Learn more about food additives.

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